

In Kindergarten, we strive to provide each child with a positive experience for their first year of school. Our students are surrounded by an atmosphere where they are loved, encouraged, and challenged. We believe a joint effort between teachers and parents is the recipe for a successful school year.

Kindergartners love to learn about the world around them and how things work. We build on that enthusiasm throughout all subject areas by providing a hands-on approach to support our students' thinking and reasoning. Along with building the foundation for core subjects such as language arts and math, we also place an emphasis on social skills throughout the year.

At Millennia Elementary, each Kindergarten student is given an iPad to use throughout the day to access resources such as textbooks, educational apps, and programs to enhance reading and math proficiency. Using technology in the classroom allows our students to easily collaborate with one another and easily allows the teacher to differentiate learning to meet the needs of all students.